Think about how your wallet would look if you were $10 poorer - you probably wouldn't even notice it, right? This puts you in approximately the top 15 percent of the world's population by wealth, and means you're in the lucky position to be able to help others fairly easily.

Our goal is to find 100 donors to give $10 a month which will provide us with enough funds to purchase fresh produce in the off-season, pay our vehicle expense including fuel and insurance, office supplies and all the other expenses necessary to keep Gemma's Angels mission in play.


Feel the Power of Giving

Give it a go – for just $10 – and feel the power of giving.

Your sustaining investment helps us fight hunger right here in your own backyard. In the links below, simply check the $10 amount and choose monthly. Our secure, online system will then guide you through the online banking process. Gemma's Angels does not keep your online banking info. Thank you!




Attention: Hershey Company Employees

Are you an employee of The Hershey Company? If so, you can double your donation through the company corporate matching donation program. If you're a volunteer, the company will donate $250 for every 50 hours of service you provide to Gemma's Angels. Click here for more info.

Follow the Directions Below to Give Online


Guidestar Gold

Gemma's Angels has earned the prestigious Guidestar Gold Participation Level, a testament to our commitment to financial transparency.
Click here to go to our online profile.

Campaign for Good

Our Campaign for Good is growing! We are now at 23 monthly donors who bring in $355 per month. 


DON'T FORGET TO LINK YOUR AMAZON WITH GEMMA ANGELS here AND we will receive 0.5% of the price of your purchase every time you shop at Amazon.